'use strict';
* This module is used to load the base KSS builder class needed by this builder
* and to define any custom CLI options or extend any base class methods.
* Note: this module is optional. If a builder does not export a KssBuilderBase
* sub-class as a module, then kss-node will assume the builder wants to use
* the KssBuilderBaseHandlebars class.
* This file's name should follow standard node.js require() conventions. It
* should either be named index.js or have its name set in the "main" property
* of the builder's package.json. See
* http://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_folders_as_modules
* @module kss/builder/handlebars
const path = require('path');
// We want to extend kss-node's Handlebars builder so we can add options that
// are used in our templates.
let KssBuilderBaseHandlebars;
try {
// In order for a builder to be "kss clone"-able, it must use the
// require('kss/builder/path') syntax.
KssBuilderBaseHandlebars = require('kss/builder/base/handlebars');
} catch (e) {
// The above require() line will always work.
// Unless you are one of the developers of kss-node and are using a git clone
// of kss-node where this code will not be inside a "node_modules/kss" folder
// which would allow node.js to find it with require('kss/anything'), forcing
// you to write a long-winded comment and catch the error and try again using
// a relative path.
KssBuilderBaseHandlebars = require('../base/handlebars');
* A kss-node builder that takes input files and builds a style guide using
* Handlebars templates.
class KssBuilderHandlebars extends KssBuilderBaseHandlebars {
* Create a builder object.
constructor() {
// First call the constructor of KssBuilderBaseHandlebars.
// Then tell kss which Yargs-like options this builder adds.
title: {
group: 'Style guide:',
string: true,
multiple: false,
describe: 'Title of the style guide',
default: 'KSS Style Guide'
* Allow the builder to preform pre-build tasks or modify the KssStyleGuide
* object.
* The method can be set by any KssBuilderBase sub-class to do any custom
* tasks after the KssStyleGuide object is created and before the HTML style
* guide is built.
* The builder could also take this opportunity to do tasks like special
* handling of "custom" properties or running Sass or Bower tasks.
* The parent class sets up access for this builder to an object containing
* the options of the requested build (as `this.options`), and the global
* Handlebars object (as `this.Handlebars`).
* @param {KssStyleGuide} styleGuide The KSS style guide in object format.
* @returns {Promise.<KssStyleGuide>} A `Promise` object resolving to a
* `KssStyleGuide` object.
prepare(styleGuide) {
// First call the prepare() of the parent KssBuilderBaseHandlebars class.
// Since it returns a Promise, we do our prep work in a then().
return super.prepare(styleGuide).then(styleGuide => {
// Load this builder's extra Handlebars helpers.
// Allow a builder user to override the {{section [reference]}} helper
// with the --extend setting. Since a user's handlebars helpers are
// loaded first, we need to check if this helper already exists.
if (!this.Handlebars.helpers['section']) {
* Returns a single section, found by its reference
* @param {String} reference The reference to search for.
this.Handlebars.registerHelper('section', function(reference, options) {
let section = options.data.root.styleGuide.sections(reference);
return section.toJSON ? options.fn(section.toJSON()) : options.inverse('');
// Allow a builder user to override the {{eachSection [query]}} helper
// with the --extend setting.
if (!this.Handlebars.helpers['eachSection']) {
* Loop over a section query. If a number is supplied, will convert into
* a query for all children and descendants of that reference.
* @param {Mixed} query The section query
this.Handlebars.registerHelper('eachSection', function(query, options) {
let styleGuide = options.data.root.styleGuide;
if (!query.match(/\bx\b|\*/g)) {
query = query + '.*';
let sections = styleGuide.sections(query);
if (!sections.length) {
return options.inverse('');
let l = sections.length;
let buffer = '';
for (let i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
buffer += options.fn(sections[i].toJSON());
return buffer;
return Promise.resolve(styleGuide);
// add builder extend
prepareExtend(templateEngine) {
this.options.extend.push(path.resolve(__dirname, 'extend'));
return super.prepareExtend(templateEngine);
module.exports = KssBuilderHandlebars;