Source: lib/cli.js

'use strict';

 * The `kss/lib/cli` module is a wrapper around the code used by the
 * `bin/kss` command line utility.
 * ```
 * const cli = require('kss/lib/cli');
 * ```
 * @module kss/lib/cli

const Promise = require('bluebird'),
  kss = require('./kss'),
  KssBuilderBase = require('../builder/base'),
  path = require('path'),
  version = require('../package.json').version,
  yargs = require('yargs');

const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs-extra'));

 * Parses command line arguments in `opts.argv` and outputs messages and errors
 * on `opts.stdout` and `opts.stderr`, respectively.
 * @param {Object} opts The `stdout`, `stderr` and `argv` options to use.
 * @returns {Promise.<KssStyleGuide|null>} A `Promise` object resolving to a
 *   `KssStyleGuide` object, or to `null` if the clone option is used.
const cli = function(opts) {
  // First 2 args are "node" and path to kss script; we don't need them.
  const args = opts.argv.slice(2) || /* istanbul ignore next */ [];
  const supportedBuilders = [
  // Set up a logging function for any messages we need to send to stdout.
  // We will set up the error function after we know what options to use.
  const reportMessage = function() {
    let message = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      message += arguments[i];
    opts.stdout.write(message + '\n');

  // If the demo is requested, load the settings from its config file.
  if (args.indexOf('--demo') !== -1) {
    // Add the configuration file to the raw arguments list.
    args.push('--config', path.join(__dirname, '../demo/kss-config.json'));
    if (args.indexOf('--json') === -1) {
      reportMessage('WELCOME to the kss demo! We\'ve turned on the --verbose flag so you can see what kss is doing.');

  const cliOptionDefinitions = {
    'config': {
      group: 'File locations:',
      alias: 'c',
      config: true,
      multiple: false,
      describe: 'Load the kss options from a json file'
    'demo': {
      multiple: false,
      boolean: true,
      describe: 'Builds a KSS demo.',
      default: false
    // Prevent yargs from complaining about JSON comments in the config file.
    '//': {
      describe: 'Comments in JSON files will be ignored'

  // We need to know which builder to use, so we do a quick first parse of the
  // arguments using yargs.
  let options = yargs(args).options(
    // We merge the CLI option definitions with the default KssBuilderBase
    // option definitions.
    (new KssBuilderBase()).addOptionDefinitions(cliOptionDefinitions).getOptionDefinitions()

  // Check if there are settings coming from a JSON config file. We need to note
  // the config file's values and the directory where it is located.
  let configFileOptions = {},
    configFileDirectory = '',
    checkBuilderPath = Promise.resolve();
  if (options.config) {
    let configFilePath = path.resolve(options.config);
    configFileOptions = require(configFilePath);
    configFileDirectory = path.dirname(configFilePath);
    // First, ensure the path to the builder is relative to the config file's
    // location. Later, we will do the same for other paths in the config file.
    if (configFileOptions.builder) {
      options.builder = path.resolve(configFileDirectory, configFileOptions.builder);
      checkBuilderPath = fs.statAsync(options.builder).then(stats => {
        if (!stats.isDirectory()) {
          throw new Error();
        return Promise.resolve();
      }).catch(() => {
        // If the resolved builder path does not work, check if the a supported
        // builder was desired.
        if (supportedBuilders.indexOf(configFileOptions.builder) > -1) {
          options.builder = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', configFileOptions.builder);
          return Promise.resolve();
        } else {
          throw new Error('The builder path, "' + options.builder + '", is not a directory.');

  // Set up an error handler for Promised tasks in this module; kss() will
  // handle its own errors, so we don't want to double-catch/report its errors.
  const reportError = function(error) {
    // Make sure the standard error handler is writable.
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (opts && opts.stderr && opts.stderr.write) {
      // Show the full error stack if the verbose option is used twice or more.
      opts.stderr.write(((error.stack && options.verbose > 1) ? error.stack : error) + '\n');
    } else {
      // If the standard output for errors is not there, use console.error().

  // Confirm this is a compatible builder.
  return checkBuilderPath.then(() => {
    return KssBuilderBase.loadBuilder(KssBuilderBase.builderResolve(options.builder));
  }).catch(error => {
    return Promise.reject(error).catch(error => {
      throw error;
  }).then(builder => {

    // After the builder is loaded, we finally know all the option definitions.
    // So we re-run yargs one last time with all the yarg definitions we need.
    options = yargs(args)
      // Make a --help option available.
      .usage('Usage: kss [options]')
      .alias('help', 'h')
      .alias('help', '?')
      // Make a --version option available.
      .version('version', version)
      // Complain if the user tries to configure a non-existent option.

    // If no arguments given, display help and exit.
    if (args.length === 0) {
      return Promise.resolve();

    // All paths from the config file are relative to the file.
    for (let key in configFileOptions) {
      if (configFileOptions.hasOwnProperty(key) && builder.getOptionDefinitions()[key] && builder.getOptionDefinitions()[key].path) {
        if (options[key] instanceof Array) {
          /* eslint-disable no-loop-func */
          options[key] = options[key].map(value => {
            return path.resolve(configFileDirectory, value);
          /* eslint-enable no-loop-func */
        } else if (key !== 'builder' || supportedBuilders.indexOf(options[key]) === -1) {
          options[key] = path.resolve(configFileDirectory, options[key]);

    // Check for source and destination set as unnamed parameters.
    if (options._.length > 0) {
      let positionalParams = options._;
      // Check for a second unnamed parameter, the destination.
      if (positionalParams.length > 1) {
        options.destination = positionalParams[1];

      // The source directory is the first unnamed parameter.
      if (!(options.source instanceof Array)) {
        options.source = (typeof options.source === 'undefined') ? [] : [options.source];

    // If we are building the demo, copy the styles.css file to the destination.
    let demo = true;
    if (options.demo && !options.json) {
      // We save the Promise for the end of this function.
      demo = fs.copyAsync(
        path.resolve(__dirname, '../demo/styles.css'),
        path.resolve(options.destination, 'styles.css'),
        {clobber: true}
      ).catch(/* istanbul ignore next @TODO change back to an arrow function when istanbul adds support */ function(error) {
        return Promise.reject(error);

    // Clean up the settings by removing object properties that yargs adds, but
    // that we don't need for kss().
    ['config', '_', '//', 'help', 'h', '?', 'version', '$0'].forEach(key => delete options[key]);
    let optionDefinitions = builder.getOptionDefinitions();
    for (let key in optionDefinitions) {
      if (optionDefinitions[key].alias) {
        delete options[optionDefinitions[key].alias];
    for (let key in options) {
      if (typeof options[key] === 'undefined') {
        delete options[key];

    // Pass on cli()'s stdout/stderr reporters to kss().
    options.logFunction = reportMessage;
    options.logErrorFunction = reportError;

    return Promise.all([
      kss(options).then(styleGuide => {
        if (options.json) {
        return styleGuide;

module.exports = cli;